About Us

Who We Are

Canadian Assistance Dog Institute (CADI) is an accredited provider of assistance and service dog training and a nonprofit organization. Established in 2016, CADI came from a group of service dog trainers throughout Canada to create a systematic approach to effective and efficient training for assistance and service dogs. CADI is a leader in the assistance and service dog industry by providing exceptional service and resources to our clients and their handlers.

CADI trained assistance and service dogs are quite stellar for each unique training format and skill set of unleashing the intuition and power of each dog and their handler. CADI provides individuals with seen and unseen individuals with an array of support and services throughout the training process.

Our Mission

CADI offers an effective and efficient training strategy specialized for each client and their handler’s seen and unseen limitation through expert trainers and resources.

A Vison for All

CADI seeks to ensure that anyone with a disability has the ability to have an assistance or service dog to support their quality of life through affordable training services.

Core Pillars of Expectations

AFFORDABILITY:  As a nonprofit provider for assistance and service dog training, our core pillar is to expect that everyone who has a need for an assistance or service dog may have it through economically affordable means regardless of their income.

MUTUALITY:  Collaboration roots our core pillar of expectation that trainers and handlers respect each others needs and focus on the successful training and development of a dog to be qualified and well-equipped as an assistance or service dog.

ADVOCACY:  The most vulnerable need a voice, especially with a seen or unseen disability, and our trainers collaborate with lawmakers to politically advocate for proper treatment of every individual, especially those with trained assistance or service dogs.

ACCESSIBILITY:  Every individual, regardless of a seen or unseen disability, may fully live his or her life in dignity by not being excluded from locations, so accessibility grounds our core pillar of expectations.

We are proud to be an Accredited Member of the Service Dog Network community since 2016!